About Us

What is the Thursday Council?

The Thursday Council is an organization founded solely to spread our ideology. We believe in one simple thing: every day is Thursday. No exceptions.

Society has favored a system of seven unique days of the week for thousands of years. But we believe that this system is completely outdated and inefficient in our modern civilization. It is simply no longer relevant in contemporary culture.

Thus, we have devised a revolutionary system that is significantly better in virtually every way. Here's how it works:

  1. Monday has been renamed to Thursday 1
  2. Tuesday has been renamed to Thursday 2
  3. Wednesday has been renamed to Thursday 3
  4. Thursday has been renamed to Thursday 4
  5. Friday has been renamed to Thursday 5
  6. Saturday has been renamed to Thursday 6
  7. Sunday has been renamed to Thursday 7

Although we continue to adhere to traditional seven day weeks and continue to use the same months as everyone else, we have completely reworked the fundamental building blocks of the calendar year: the days.

The Thursday Council, therefore, is the facilitator of the transition from the old week to the new one. Who are we? We are the catalyst of change and the harbingers of truth. We help share the news and further the evolution of the human race, which has finally begun the adoption of an objectively superior week. After all, changing the names of the days is no easy feat, and our accomplishment of this task is one deserving of eternal celebration, hence our selling of official Thursday merchandise and perpetually positive attitude.

So, Good Morning, and Happy Thursday!

What is the Dogma?

The Thursday Council and its members must adhere to a strong moral code. Five doctrines, each designed to promote our vision: a society devoid not only of days other than Thursday, but one profoundly influenced by philosophies which genuinely benefit the people.

Thursday Council members who violate the Dogma risk having their membership suspended. It is of utmost importance that we maintain the Dogma to avoid compromising our legitamacy.

You can find and read the Thursday Council Dogma here.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a complicated question, but in summary, it has to do with our history as an organization and our founding principles. Our ways are primarily derived from Rögnvaldur Valtýsson's philosophies. Valtýsson, born April 3, 1913, was an Icelandic philosopher, post-postmodernist, and psychologist who effectively revolutionized absurdism but remains widely unknown. His theories were very controversial during life and forgotten after death. Recent rediscovery of his theories led to the founding of the Thursday Council, an organization inspired by his thought experiment known as 'Þursarismi', or roughly 'Thursdarianism'.

The Thursday Council does not identify as a cult or religion. We hesitate to call ourselves a community, much less a cult. We are united under our beliefs, but have no malicious intent and would rather not be associated with the idea of cults.

You can directly contact the Thursday Council at [email protected], talk with fellow members in our Discord server, or visit our Instagram. Please visit our contact page for more details.

The Thursday Council collects no profit from sales. You pay for manufacturing, shipping, and tax. All we do is design the merchandise and run the store, and we do not pay or earn anything in doing so.

This is purely coincidental and does not, should not matter. This question is derived from a fundamental misunderstanding of the days of the week. As all days have always been Thursday, there is no one Thursday that is objectively more Thursday just because users of the common seven day week happen to agree with us that that day is Thursday. Just as they arbitrarily assigned 'Monday' or 'Sunday' to be the starting point of their week for convenience, we have done the same. We picked an arbitrary 1/7 sector of the week and designated it as the first Thursday, and accordingly numbered the following days to maintain logical consistency.

Due to how the Thursday Council works, we cannot effectively partner with other movements. That said, we are friends with the Church of Mahler and several other small groups, and are willing to collaborate with others. To submit partnership inquiries, email [email protected] or ask via our Discord server.

Valtýsson's philosophy, known as Þursarismi, is, at its core, an amplification and deconstruction of absurdism, taking it to a degree of extremism. While absurdism grapples with the meaninglessness of life, Þursarismi takes a more direct approach, approaching head on this meaningless and amalgamating it into something utterly incomprehensible. Valtýsson, in his incredible genius, melded absurdism into a fractal of layered ironies, to the degree that Valtýsson had become an expert in neologism by the end of his career. Exactly how much of his teachings were satirical are unknown, but they have made an impact on us regardless. This irony is not like the traditional irony found in common literature, and is hardly related to the three types of irony often taught in schools. Like a Matryoshka doll, each statement of Valtýsson’s was obfuscated by countless layers of intentionally confusing irony, with each one housing smaller, equally intricate sub-layers that are themselves laced with contradictions and opposing interpretations. He began tacking on occasionally excessive amounts of layers of irony. In addition to radicalizing absurdism to the point where it was something new entirely, Þursarismi is intrinsically intertwined with the concept of post-postmodernism by incorporating endless cycles of self-reference and self-critique. Postmodernism is a skepticism of grand narratives and ideologies, and post-postmodernism explores what might be gained or reconstructed in their wake. But Valtýsson established that the very tools used to deconstruct can also be used to build, but what is built is always teetering on the edge of either becoming recursive and therefore meaningless, or absurd yet innovative. In some ways, his philosophies even touch on hypothetical concepts and proofs of thought. Ideas that hold very little value or meaning, and were synthesized as metacognitive thought experiments. Everything, from metamodernism to postcognitivism, is covered by the incredibly broad topics Valtýsson covered. We suspect he wrote approximately ~150 books (an estimate made based on what Valtýsson wrote about in his sparse personal writings), but only 11 have been confirmed to exist, and the rest are likely lost. Many of these books may have thoroughly described theoretical social, political, and psychological constructs that have yet to be reinvented or rediscovered today. From what we do know, it’s clear that Valtýsson was a sort of polymath who had such an incredible understanding of everything, that he frequently got creative and began combining it in a melting pot of what we now call philosophy. But it is much more than that; it is what truly balances on the fence between sincerity and irony. In most of his writings, however, sincerity and irony are not simply oscillating; they are superimposed upon each other to create a state of “sincere irony” or “ironic sincerity,” each manifesting as a contortion of the other. His forms of discourse were paradoxically genuine and fake, authentic and simulated, profound and empty, all in the same breath. Valtýsson labeled this phenomenon “yfirhæðni.” In Þursarismi, life is not a problem to be solved, but an endless onslaught of questions to refrain from answering too swiftly. Until the truth is unmistakable, one does not answer the questions, but revels in their irresolvability. It is natural to allow them to proliferate, mutate, and eventually self-destruct; the questions were ultimately unstable facets of life lacking any justification to speculate on behalf of. Þursarismi is not merely a philosophy, it is a field of conceptual thinking that transcends human comprehension. Only a sliver of the ideas Valtýsson mocked have been passed down into the modern era, and the Thursday Council’s shard was that element of absurdism. We have since compressed and simplified it into an essence so simple that anyone could understand—every day is Thursday.

No. We are a genuine organization. Please do not tell other people that we are joking.

Still have questions? Email us!